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Article: Ali Daddo & Mary Doube: Menopause Insights

Ali Daddo & Mary Doube: Menopause Insights

Ali Daddo & Mary Doube: Menopause Insights

Our Co-Founder Trudi Jaye chatted with the Founders of Aviiana,  Ali Daddo and Mary Doube, where they share their tips and perspectives on life during menopause.

Aviiana is a platform dedicated to transforming wellness for women over 40 with innovative solutions and a holistic focus on peri/menopause.

Trudi: I’m constantly in awe of Aviiana and your community of inspiring women choosing to embrace life after 40 and peri/menopause as a new chapter of strength and growth… Could you each share your driving passion behind Aviiana?

Ali: The short-ish answer is that when I began having peri menopause symptoms I looked around me in despair and total loneliness. I had no information, no support and I was experiencing the biggest health crisis I’d ever gone through. That’s when I decided to write my book Queen Menopause. I wanted women to feel they had a friend who knew what they were going through, who had some ideas about what might help and who could make them laugh and most importantly who could show that so many women were experiencing the same challenges AND were  also having the best second half of their life post menopause. The more I toured with my book and spoke to women my age the more I was in despair for the lack of help out there, especially in the rural areas. Women were/are really suffering. I knew I had to do something to help.Meeting Mary was amazing. We both had the exact same purpose and drive. We clicked and created Aviiana from then on. It’s been so inspiring to work with Mary. We make a great team.

Mary: Thank you so much for your kind words. It means the world to us that you see the spirit of Aviiana in that way. The driving passion behind Aviiana is deeply personal for both of us. For me, it’s about transforming the narrative around menopause from something that’s feared to something that’s embraced—a powerful stage of life where we have the chance to rediscover our strength, both physically and mentally. Having gone through my own journey of despair, then growth, strength, and self-compassion during perimenopause, I wanted to create a space where other women could feel supported, empowered, and connected.

At the heart of Aviiana is the belief that aging is a privilege and that we can emerge stronger, more confident, and more vibrant than ever. It's about sharing this journey with a community of women who are choosing to rewrite their stories and embrace every phase of life with strength, resilience, and joy. That passion drives everything we do here at Aviiana.


Trudi: During the start of my perimenopausal journey, I had a number of challenging symptoms and struggled to get clear answers from GPs, but platforms like Aviiana were incredibly helpful in educating me. Also finding a doctor who specialises in this stage of life made a huge difference! What advice would you give to women who are just entering the early stages of perimenopause?

Ali: Find a good GP!! Talk to your girlfriends, check out our information on the Aviiana site if you are unsure if it is peri menopause, there are so many symptoms. But getting support early and making yourself aware of how to holistically support your body is key. That why we offer the wellness program:) There are small things you can start doing now that may help with symptoms.

Mary: Thank you for sharing your experience, and I’m so glad to hear that Aviiana has been helpful on your journey. It can be overwhelming at first when symptoms appear, and many women feel exactly as you did—struggling to get clear answers.

For women just entering the early stages of perimenopause, my first piece of advice is to listen to your body and trust that what you're experiencing is valid. Perimenopause can bring a wide range of symptoms, from physical to emotional, and no two women’s journeys are the same. Educating yourself, as you’ve already done, is key. Understanding what’s happening in your body helps you feel empowered and gives you the confidence to advocate for your own care.

Secondly, find a healthcare provider who really understands perimenopause. It makes a huge difference when you have someone who specialises in this area and can offer guidance tailored to your needs. Don't hesitate to seek second opinions if you feel you're not getting the support you deserve.

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of lifestyle changes—things like strength training, nutrition, and focusing on mental well-being. These can make a significant impact on managing symptoms and improving overall quality of life. Surround yourself with a supportive community, whether it’s through platforms like Aviiana or other groups of women going through similar experiences. You’re not alone, and there’s so much strength in sharing this journey together.

Trudi: Many menopausal women go through significant skin changes from perimenopause to post-menopause, yet often delay switching to skincare products that address their new needs. Did you both notice changes in your skin, and what tips do you have that worked for you during this time?

Ali: My skin had one look and that was dry, dry and more dry. I needed change to more oils than creams. Products that really sunk into my skin. Also products that were ethically made became super important to me. When I was younger I’d throw anything on my skin without checking out the where how and why the product was made. Now I want to know who’s making the product and what are the ingredients 

Mary: I know I have been fortunate in my skin journey through menopause! I haven’t experienced significant skin changes - luck has been on my side! However, I know that for others, skin can become drier, thinner, or more sensitive as estrogen levels drop during perimenopause and post-menopause.

For those experiencing changes, my advice is to start being more mindful about skincare early on. Switching to products that focus on hydration, collagen support, and sun protection can make a big difference. I'm not an expert but I believe ingredients like hyaluronic acid for moisture, peptides for firmness, and antioxidants to combat environmental damage are great additions. But overall, the most important thing is listening to your skin's needs and adjusting your routine as you go through each stage.


Trudi: I know you both discovered our skincare throughout your menopausal journey, like many women. Our products help to support symptoms of estrogen loss, including boosting collagen, reducing inflammation and sensitivity and hydrating thirsty menopausal skin. If you could choose just one Retreatment Botanics product that you couldn’t live without, what would it be?

Ali:  That’s easy…The Restore Serum. It’s the BOMB!

Mary: Calm Signature Blend & Restore Serum for sure!

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