A Passion For Green Beauty: Carla King-Turner
Carla King-Turner is a former Australian TV presenter, Owner of Greenhouse Retreats, and the Founder of online clean beauty directory ‘Mooi + U Beauty’. We love how much she values her health while applying her holistic approach to beauty inside and out, every single day. We sat down to find out how she’s discovered her passion for clean beauty & what drives her to prioritise her health while juggling so many projects!
Q: How did you discover your passion for green, clean beauty products?
For me it was an evolution of my passion for health and wellness. For as long as I can remember I have been interested in health and have taken care of myself physically. When I started at TVSN it was impossible not to become educated on ingredients and the more I learnt, the more discerning I became - I loved how TVSN introduced many pioneering brands in this genre, long before it was trendy... It was exciting to share these with our audience.
My view has always been good health and therefore healthy skin is holistic. It's not just about one thing but many. When I had my first baby I wanted to understand health and nutrition at a deeper level so I did a 3 month course with Nature Care College Introduction to Nutrition - it validated my belief that what we put on our skin and in our bodies daily contributes to our overall well being.
Q: You established yourself as a leading presenter on Australia’s TV shopping networks and then started your own online business in 2020... It must have been a big shift to begin this new endeavour, what has been your leading motivator to make the change?
My 18 years at TVSN was the time in my career where I really found my niche. Talking to women and men and sharing products that bring a little joy to their lives was what I was born to do - I will always consider myself a TVSN family member. My love for all things natural, wellness and self care was what inspired me to open the Greenhouse retreats back in 2016 and it was then that I really wanted to drill down on that niche. If you ask any of my close friends they will tell you I can flow into a pitch on pretty much anything wellness related before you even know it - I just love sharing what I know.
Mooi + U was again an evolution from what I was already doing on my social media and at the Greenhouse. So many guests would comment on how much they loved the products I had in the house and all the little touches. Followers on social media, friends and family would ask me about products, what to choose they would even send me ingredients photos while out shopping asking if this was ok or not. It was then that I realised we are all a bit confused with what to buy in beauty. What really works, what is clean, what is really bad for us and what is just hype. This was my big motivator - I wanted to create a hub where a lot of that confusion could be clarified... Without the hype, without the scare tactics and without the fake green washing.
Q: What have been some of the biggest challenges you have faced in your career, and how have you overcome them? Do you have a winning mindset or approach that keeps you going?
In my career, personal brand is king - my credibility and integrity is everything, without it, viewers won't shop with me and if they don't shop with me I don't have a job, a business or a career. Protecting your own personal brand is so important and sometimes this can come at a cost financially or politically. Sometimes you just have to say no or walk away from something that is not the right fit.
This doesn't mean you have to personally endorse everything or love everything you share, however my non negotiable is I must be able to see the value for someone. Selling something you don't like takes an open mind and a reframe (and a lot of skill) - however selling something you believe is misleading or going to disappoint is something I would absolutely avoid.
Q: What has been your biggest success. Did it give you a new perspective?
The Greenhouse Retreats have been such a joy to watch grow and attract such love. I am so proud of what I have created. What started out as a side hustle/investment, the retreats have become legitimate businesses with so much growth potential. The simple fact that we as women yearn for connection with each other and our families. Finding time to go away somewhere beautiful, private and unique like our retreats has been so special for our guests, we now have guests coming back for the 3rd year in a row, that is the greatest compliment I could get.
Q: Can you name the top 2 women who have inspired you throughout your life and why?
Anna Wintour has always impressed me - she has such a firm hold on her brand and her intuition is supported and validated by her continued success. Gwyneth Paltrow - I love her passion for health and wellness and her tenacity to share the popular and not so popular ideas - I think there has to be something said for putting stuff out there even if it is not trendy or convenient to hear.
Q: What do you consider to be the next trends in Clean Beauty and why?
An ingredient I am looking forward to seeing in Australia is CBD oil, we already have hemp seed oil and this is incredibly rich in nutrients, CBD oil is showing impressive results in problematic skin in regards to inflammation.
Q: What does your morning ritual look like? Does it shape the rest of your day?
Mornings are my favourite time of day. I am an early riser (kinda), 6am the alarm goes off and most days I exercise - either a run or a training session. The first thing I do is splash my face with cold water, spritz and apply serum. The first thing I take/eat is a collagen supplement, at the moment I am taking Optima Nutricosmetics and The Beauty Chef, I mix these together. I also like the Kissed Earth.
After I have walked the dog and picked up my Almond flat white from my fav cafe, my day starts. My morning skincare routine stage 2 is cleanse, serum, eye cream, moisturise and makeup (even if I am not leaving the house - I do my hair and makeup) - oh and I always have a pot of tea with my breakfast. I am such a creature of habit and I love my morning routine, without it my day just never seems right.
Q: What’s your favourite Retreatment Botanics product (if you can name just one)?
It's hard to have a favourite but it would have to be the Restore Serum, followed by the Instant Glow Face Masque. I am also in love with the Calm Signature Blend essential oil.
Q: Any favourite words of advice?
When I was very little my Aunt Lila wrote this quote in my autograph book (very 80's) and it has stayed with me my whole life, and I apply it to everything I do…
"This above all to Thine ownself be True."
- Shakespeare.